
Photography & Poster Design

Capabilities: Communication, Editing, Ideation, Mockups, Pagination, Photography, Prototyping, Retouching

Toolkit: Adobe Photoshop | Adobe Illustrator | iPhone 13 Pro

The poster won second place in the Generate Biophilia Poster competition. The poster was displayed at the LA, Helms District.

Biophilia is the inclination to connect with nature. It recognizes the positive effects nature has on our well-being and emphasizes the importance of integrating nature into our lives and surroundings.

Within the given 24 hours to create a poster, I chose to interpret the word "biophilia" by drawing from my earliest connection to nature through Kathak, the Indian classical dance that I have been practicing since childhood. In Kathak, before dancing, we perform a ritual to seek permission from Mother Earth and a closing ritual to ask for forgiveness. This ritual left a lasting impression on me, and I decided to integrate nature through dance. Utilizing various elements of Kathak, such as eye expressions, footwork, and hand gestures, I composed a lotus using my hands as a symbolic representation of biophilia and my initial encounter with nature.



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